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Ana Marques —
Switzerland expert

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Ana Marques Kayaking
Ana Marques

Born and raised in amazing Portugal, I was always curious about life in other countries, so I can consider myself such a lucky person to have the opportunity to travel and see it for myself. Planning and dreaming about the following adventure/destination is my favorite hobby! I’ve lived in Switzerland since 2021 and am completely in love with this wonderful country. Working for Cosa allows me to help other people create unique memories while visiting Switzerland.

Areas of expertise:
Watches, Family, Outdoor, Active & Extreme Travel, Winter Sports

Places I know well:
Suisse Romande, Valais, Ticino


English, Portuguese, Spanish

Three words about me

Curious, friendly, optimistic

personalized assistance


"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." — T.S. Eliot

exclusive access

Insider tip

If I really want the best food experience, I always look for places crowded with locals.