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Annina Sommer —
Switzerland expert

Annina Sommer in Peru
Annina Sommer Rostock Sailing

I feel at home travelling in Asia. As I am half-Asian myself, I blend in well and am mostly accepted by the locals as one of them. One of my fondest travel memories is a boat trip in Myanmar: watching the scenery go by was such a peaceful experience. Europe never fails to fascinate me – I absolutely love art and architecture. Wherever I go, I spend days just walking around, and always have a sketchbook with me to capture my surroundings. Sometimes I hop on a train to visit a museum or a pretty city in Switzerland.

Areas of expertise:
Groups,  art, golf

Places I know well:
Zurich & the North, Graubünden Alps, Eastern Switzerland


German, English

Three words about me

Creative, thoughtful, nature-lover

personalized assistance


"Wealth is the ability to fully experience life." — Henry David Thoreau

exclusive access

Insider tip

If you have dirty shoes to pack, put them with the soles down in a disposable bathing cap.