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Vera Schmid —
Event creator

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Cosa team Vera Schmid on a kayak

After my first experiences in the tourism industry and in event management on a national level, I enthusiastically accepted a new challenge at Cosa Travel. Since July 2019, I have been organising and supporting international incentives and event travel as a project manager. My claim? To create lasting memories with passion and attention to detail. Privately, you’ll find me best in the company of good friends and a good bottle of wine.

Areas of expertise:
Communication & Marketing, Travel Writing & Content Creation, Entertainment Curation

Places I know well:
Scotland, Morocco, Thailand



German, English, French

Three words about me

Curious, open-minded, detail-oriented

personalized assistance


Of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport.

exclusive access

Insider Tip

Learn at least how to say 'cheers' in every language. My favourite? Slàinte is how the Scots say it.