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Marianne von Arx —
Corporate travel designer

Marianne von Arx Sakura
Marianne von Arx seated with lake view

Countries, people, their history, languages and culture fascinate me. Travelling and discovering new worlds is one of my passions and I have been working in the travel industry for many years. My hobby has become my dream job. I am a cheerful person. I grew up in a small village but in a big family with seven brothers and sisters. After three years of commercial training, I was drawn to Geneva, where I learnt French. Excursions to England, Italy and my first vacations by the sea awakened the travel virus in me. Experiencing nature, the peace and quiet and the wide open spaces create the perfect balance to the hectic everyday life. 

Areas of expertise:
Charters & private jets, Flights, Corporate travel

Places I know well:
Bhutan, Brazil, Sweden


German, English, French, Italian

Three words about me

Reliable, competent, happy

personalized assistance


Honesty is the best policy

exclusive access

Insider tip

The best fish restaurant in Rio is Marius