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Karolina Juras —
Switzerland expert

Travel has broadened my perspective and taught me so much about the world and myself. Exposure to new environments is exhilarating and I am passionate about sharing what I’ve learned with other curious individuals. I have a particular fondness for train journeys. I have had the pleasure of experiencing both the trans-Siberian and trans-Canadian railways (that took me 94 hours!). However it is the Swiss trains that hold a special place in my heart, and I could talk about them endlessly without ever growing weary.

Areas of expertise:
Train travel, Honeymoon, Gourmet

Places I know well:
Zurich & the North, Lake Lucerne region, Bern & the Oberland


English, Spanish, Polish

Three words about me

Curious, dedicated, reliable

personalized assistance


If something’s not blatantly impossible, then there must be a way of doing it

exclusive access

Insider tip

Don’t be afraid to get purposefully lost