Nina Müller —

Experience the world, meet new people, indulge in cultures, immerse in nature… travelling has always been one of my biggest joys. Having lived in many places around the world, I’ve been lucky enough to dive into different lifestyles. I love art and architecture, enjoy listening to stories and histories, and cannot learn enough about other ways of life. I also love surfing and it’s a guaranteed way to get me travelling, especially if it involves new places around the world. For me, real luxury is to have the choice. And this choice is what travelling can offer. Combining a multi-day trek and an overnight in a tent with a city break in a fantastic hotel is what makes travel unique.
Areas of expertise:
Sports & Adventure, Multi-Generation, Art & Music, Active & extreme travel
Places I know well:
Madagascar, Brazil, Sri Lanka
German, English, French, Portuguese
Three words about me
Adventurous, imaginative, vivacious
"Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow." - Anita Desai
Insider tip
To find the best restaurants, ask locals where they go to eat with their families.